Risk (A Mageri World Novel) Page 19
Shut up, Shut up. Simon shoved his demons back into the fucking closet where they belonged. The last thing he needed was to psyche himself out. The concrete chilled his right cheek, and his left shoulder had finally gone numb.
A cloud of dust went up his nose, and he involuntarily sneezed three times, saliva running down the side of his mouth.
“I didn’t know you could sneeze with a stunner in you,” Pippi remarked. “Huh. Maybe some things are reflexive after all.”
“Don’t even think about it,” James said, his fingers typing a text on his phone.
Pippi hopped onto a table and sat down, her scrawny legs swinging from the edge. “Well? What do we do next?”
James set down his phone. “Strip off his clothes.”
“Oooh!” Pippi squealed with delight, her red Mary Janes clicking on the floor as she jumped down.
James folded his arms. “Don’t get any ideas. Boris said there’s been a change of plans and he’ll be here in a couple of hours.”
Simon felt a tug when she pulled off his boot.
“Why are we stripping him down?” she asked. “So if he escapes, he won’t run far with his pecker hanging out?”
“Something like that. I’m going to bleed him so he’ll be too weak to run.”
Simon’s other boot came off, and then Pippi rolled him onto his back, tugging at the zipper on his leathers.
“Just admit it, James. You want to see how he measures up.”
“Sometimes I wonder why the hell Boris chose a girl as trashy as you to live forever. I thought Creators had standards.”
“Clearly not if he chose you.”
When Simon’s pants reached his ankles, Pippi gasped.
“Jesus. Will you look at that?” Her eyes sparkled, and her pink lips stretched into a smile. “He’s huge. I’ll never judge a book by its cover again.”
All Simon wanted was for them to remove the dagger. His voice was his weapon, and without it, he was unarmed. He quelled his rage and kept a cool head, taking in his surroundings. He couldn’t care less about losing his pants, but his phone was still in the back pocket.
Little Pippi lifted him up by his underarms and positioned him so his back was against the wall. He slumped over, his chin resting against his chest.
She grabbed a fistful of hair and lifted his head. “Maybe Boris will change his mind and make him my love slave.”
“Quit horsing around.” James searched the cupboards and retrieved an old wooden bowl. “Once we drain him, then I can take back my knife. Those aren’t easy to come by, you know. You hold him while I drain. Boris doesn’t want a mess, so don’t let him fall over.”
“Great idea!” She straddled Simon. “I’ll use my body to keep him still,” she said, wiggling her bottom over Simon’s crotch.
He didn’t feel a wink of pleasure, especially with the shackle around his neck. Those two things were a combination that never went together.
His surroundings were rustic, and he took it all in. A wooden table, a few iron pokers with ashen tips and a shovel in the corner, boarded-up windows, a long piece of wire hanging from the ceiling that might become useful, and a few moths fluttering around a corroded trash can.
As James neared with a blade aimed at his neck, Simon wondered how long his chain was and if he could reach his pants. He had a sheath attached to the belt with a dagger in it.
If they were keeping him alive, then they wanted information. Eventually they were going to take the stunner out, and when they did, Simon would be ready.
Chapter 19
Ella jumped into Boris’s Lexus, relieved it was an automatic. She’d never stolen a car and would have been in a pickle if it had a standard transmission. Hannah’s guards were also the valets and often parked cars for visitors, so usually they left the keys in the ignition. Immortals weren’t concerned about auto theft unless they were parking in the human districts.
She made a swift assessment of her surroundings, going by memory and taking the route to Simon’s apartment that was off the beaten path. Ella had never driven a car before. Not really. She’d practiced a little with her dad, so the fear of a cop pulling her over had her checking the mirrors every five seconds. Simon told her that a Mage could use their energy to interfere with police radar, but she didn’t have the slightest idea how to do it.
She reached the park at dusk. Simon still wasn’t responding to her messages and calls, and she couldn’t shake the feeling he was in trouble. The red car was on the left side of the road, so she put on her blinker to do a U-turn.
Levi’s car was parked behind it and he was leaning on the side, his thick arms folded. She decided to park behind him in case they needed to move the red car, but she made the turn too wide and ended up jumping the curb. The pedal vibrated when the undercarriage scraped against the concrete, so she quickly threw it into reverse. Levi walked around, watching her with a look of amusement as she hit the gas and went flying backward, leaving tire tracks. When the back tires bounced onto the street again, she put it in drive and eased forward, her front right tire finally coming off the curb.
Levi walked toward her with both hands up, signaling her to stop. When she didn’t, he darted out of the way and appeared at her window, his mouth moving as if he were angry or shouting.
Ella didn’t give a shit what he thought. She was going to park that car a foot from his bumper whether he liked it or not.
Once the car was situated, she shut off the engine and got out. The sky was darker than usual, the moon bright and cresting the tops of the trees.
Levi kept touching his mouth with his left hand, making it impossible for her to understand what he was saying.
Ella reached out and gripped his right hand to shake it. Levi jerked his neck back in surprise. Shaking hands was a human thing to do, but everyone knew that Learners sometimes held on to old habits. Her ulterior motives had nothing to do with being courteous. She hadn’t touched very many people in the past few years, so she wanted to make that connection to see if there were others besides Simon that she shared that communication link with. When silence filled her head, she let go, discouraged.
She’d never spoken aloud to anyone but Simon, so she nervously placed her fingers against her throat, hoping she wouldn’t embarrass herself. “Someone’s been following us.”
He nodded as if he already knew. When he began speaking and looked over his shoulder at the red car, she gripped his arm. Levi was a big guy who looked like law enforcement. Most Chitahs were lean with muscle, but he was built like he spent hours at the gym.
Levi rubbed the stubble on his chin, scrutinizing her with a steady gaze. His Chitah eyes made her flinch, but there was something sweet in them that made her believe he was a man she could trust. Plus it was hard to be afraid of anyone who smiled as much as he did and had a chin dimple. Ella squeezed his arm to get his attention.
They were standing on a dark street, and Ella couldn’t see his face very well. If she didn’t confess her secret to Levi, then she might end up missing important pieces of the conversation. She couldn’t allow her pride to get in the way of finding out what had happened to Simon.
“I’m deaf. I can’t hear anything you’re saying, but I can read lips.” She switched places with him so the moonlight shone on his face.
“What happened?” he asked in such an exaggerated manner that she wanted to laugh.
“Two men followed us earlier, and I think it has something to do with his disappearance.”
His brows furrowed. “I can still scent them. Where are they now?”
“You don’t have to talk like you have molasses in your mouth,” she quipped. “I just need to be able to see your face. They’re over there.”
His yellow eyes sharpened, and he turned in a circle. “Where?”
Ella marched toward the red car and reached beneath the tire for the keys. She popped open the trunk and stood aside for Levi to see. “There.”
He peered in at the two naked men Simon had
hogtied and gagged.
Levi smiled, and she guessed by his rocking chest that he was laughing. He stood opposite her and put his hands on his hips, peering in at the two men who looked up at them, veins bulging in their foreheads as they bellowed.
“If that isn’t the prettiest thing I’ve ever seen,” Levi said.
He slammed the trunk, and when he sat on the edge, half the car dipped beneath his weight. “Doesn’t feel right. Simon wanted me to check out the car but didn’t tell me what was going on. I picked up a scent,” he said, his thoughts drifting off. “Anyhow, if he called me, then he didn’t want to get his hands dirty. If he’s not home, then there’s only one other place he would have gone.”
“The Red Door. He goes to other clubs, but tonight’s ladies’ night.”
Ella missed what he was saying when he got up and paced back and forth, his fist on top of his head as if he was working something out.
She snatched his T-shirt. “I can’t understand you.”
“I need to find out what they know. Why don’t you go home and I’ll call you in the morning?”
Ella poked her finger against his chest and stood on her tiptoes. “I may be small, but so is dynamite. I know how you Chitahs are all chivalrous and think a woman shouldn’t fight for herself, but I’m not one of your kind.”
His expression tightened. “Now that’s not it at all. Maybe I thought you needed a shower because I can smell blood all over you.”
“And I got the blood from fighting them,” she said, jerking her thumb toward the red car. “So you can either work out a plan with me or I can work one out myself.”
Levi’s eyes glittered with amusement, and he smiled wide, bending over and placing his hands on his knees. He lifted his head and looked up at her. “I can scent your tenacity and it burns the hell out of my tongue. You’re a feisty Mage and remind me a lot of my brother’s mate.” Levi straightened his back and anchored his fists on his hips. “I’ve learned my lesson about telling any woman what to do, but you gotta understand it’s not in my DNA to put a woman in danger. Chitahs just aren’t wired the same.”
Ella sighed. “Something’s happened, and I feel like I’m missing an important clue. He’s been keeping secrets from me, and you’re a part of it.”
Levi slid his jaw to the side. “I won’t know anything until I question these meatheads. Maybe then we’ll have a lead. Right now we’re wasting time, so why don’t you head over to the club and check it out. Look for his car before you go inside, and make sure you ask the bartender to see the private rooms in the back. Tell him I sent you. If you have to question anyone in the bar, only ask the women. Most of them know Simon by name anyhow.”
That remark made Ella feel small. Even if he was a manwhore, she had no right to judge him. It wasn’t as if they were in a relationship. And yet thinking about him with another woman made her want to stab someone in the eye.
Ella touched her throat to feel the volume of her voice. “Send me a message when you’re done with these guys. I’ll let you know what I find, and we’ll go from there.”
She turned around and headed back to the car. Seconds later, Levi gripped her arm and spun her around.
“I was just saying to be careful.”
He didn’t know her, but he seemed like a genuine guy who cared about her safety. “I have a knife strapped to my leg and a thousand volts at my fingertips. I’ll be fine. Maybe I should be more worried about you having to handle two naked men.”
He winked. “Wouldn’t be the first time, honey.”
After draining Simon’s blood and removing the stunner, James got a little cocky and poked him several times with the tip of the blade, remarking how he didn’t bleed very much. It hadn’t been the first time someone had tortured Simon.
“You’re an arrogant prick,” Simon muttered.
James picked up the fireplace shovel and hit him on the head with the handle.
“Out! Everybody out!” Boris commanded when he entered the room. “And prepare a gourmet meal; I’ll be dining with a guest this evening.”
James and Pippi hustled out of the room without a word.
Boris rolled up the sleeves of his dark button-up shirt. He lifted the iron shovel and studied the blood on the handle before approaching Simon. “No matter how many centuries go by, you always seem to be right in the middle of trouble.”
Simon lay on his side, conserving his energy for the right moment. His throat was parched after yelling profanities at James for an hour and threatening to do heinous things to his immortal soul in the afterlife.
“This is quite a predicament you’re in, Mr. Hunt. Whatever will you do about it?”
Simon had learned a long time ago that sometimes not speaking was the best defense. Men like Boris had a tendency to get frustrated and divulge more information than they should when met with silence.
Boris knelt down and gripped a handful of Simon’s hair, forcing him to look up. “What’s your relationship with Hannah?”
Simon refrained from smirking.
“Make it easier on yourself. At first I thought you were just an obstacle, but now I’m beginning to wonder why Hannah would place one of her Learners in your care. She’s a prideful wench who trusts no one… Well, except maybe her Learners.”
He let go of Simon’s hair and tossed the shovel aside. Boris wasn’t an impressive man in stature. His legs were too skinny for his body, and his hands were actually manicured. The curly black hairs on his ankles stood out since he wasn’t wearing socks.
“What are you to her?” Boris continued. “Do you owe her a debt?” Silence stretched between them. “Her lover?”
Simon couldn’t hold it in any longer. He lost it. A peal of laughter erupted from his throat, making him sound like a wild hyena. He rolled onto his back and clutched his stomach, tears streaming down his face.
“That’s enough,” Boris grumbled, rising to his feet. “You’re not as smart as I thought you were. You’d be more valuable to me if you meant something to Hannah.”
What the bloody hell did he mean by that? Boris clearly had a vendetta against Hannah, but then again, who didn’t? Simon’s laughter died in the back of his throat as he collected his thoughts.
“Are you Ella’s lover? Is that why Hannah’s involved you in her affairs?”
“Boris, you were always jealous of my sexual endeavors. It’s good to see that after two centuries nothing has changed.”
Boris’s phone went off, and he answered. “This is Boris. … Oh, that’s a relief. … Yes, of course. I look forward to it.” He hung up and gave his watch a cursory glance. “We’ll have to finish this later. Perhaps I can get more information from Hannah.”
Simon smirked. “Careful where you poke your willy, you might not get it back.”
Boris unrolled his sleeves, carefully straightening them at the cuff and securing the buttons. “That’s not where my cock will be spending time. I have a bonding ceremony to arrange.”
Simon pushed himself to a seated possession. “With Hannah?”
Boris laughed haughtily. “No. With her precocious little Learner. What a sweet face to go with that sweet body,” he said, his words trailing off. “At least I won’t have to listen to her mouth.”
“If you put one finger on her,” Simon growled, his energy pulsing like a heartbeat.
“You’ll what?” Boris approached Simon with a look of contempt in his beady little eyes. “You don’t have a single clue as to what’s going on, and if you did, you would keep your distance. You’ve meddled in my affairs enough. After dinner, I’m going to have a discussion with Hannah to make sure you’re of no importance. If not, I’ll be returning swiftly to finish you off.” Boris’s shoes scraped on the gritty floor as he turned. “You better pray that you’re valuable to her.”
“And if I am?”
A devious smile touched Boris’s lips. “You’ll get an extension on your life, but I’m afraid I can’t afford to set you fre
e. You might have an inclination to come after me, and that won’t do. I wasn’t expecting you to be in the picture, so it’ll take me some time to come up with a plan that Hannah will appreciate.”
“Keep flapping your gums,” Simon replied hoarsely. “This game is far from over.”
Boris reached the door to Simon’s right, glancing over his shoulder. “I’m afraid this is one game you won’t win.”
Chapter 20
Shortly after Boris left, Simon gathered his energy and stood up to examine his surroundings. The torture inflicted upon him paled in comparison to the suffering he’d endured in his life, but his predicament was still dire. In addition to draining his blood, they’d also juiced on his energy for a high. Simon weakly jerked at the chain, which was securely mounted to a metal ring in the wall. The chain was shiny and stood out amid the decay.
Simon had resorted to talking to himself. “No, I refuse. I didn’t spend the past three centuries getting shot, hanged, locked in a coffin with a rat, hunted by a maniacal Chitah, thrown off a boat in the middle of the Pacific, and trapped on a transatlantic flight with a flatulent man, only to have it all end here.”
Simon staggered toward his clothes and stopped when the chain ran out of slack. It didn’t take a genius to figure out the best way to reach his pants was to lie on the floor and use his feet to drag them over. When he bent over and sat down, the wounds on his chest and abdomen reopened and began to bleed. Simon didn’t have anything to stanch the bleeding, so he covered the deepest wound with his hand.
“Bloody hell,” he murmured. “Never thought I’d know what it feels like to be a fountain.”
He lay on his stomach and stretched his leg as far as it would go, but his toe barely touched the end of his pants. He pushed himself closer, the clamp around his neck cutting off the circulation.